
Jewish Rye Bread

This is the Jewish  Rye Bread and I made  a  lot of changes.
Absolutely Delicious!😉🍷🍞

I have trimmed (The Jewish Rye Bread ) from (The bread bible) Rose Levy Beranbaum’s directions significantly. The thing is, she gives great and extensively detailed directions, but my thing is, I like to pare change thing a little, especially when it comes to bread. I honestly believe that once you are certain your yeast is working, it’s harder to mess up a loaf of bread than it is to make it delicious. Follow the rising times and size pointers, see that it’s kneaded well and baked at the right temperature and you can have a little bit of New York City in your kitchen. Set aside 8 hours for this / I all so didn't add any seeds.

Now you can't get it any better than this!
Here is what it looks like inside of the bread...
Out of the oven and look at the high Loaf. ..
Second rise press down gentle, kneaded for a couple of minutes and went for second rise for 1 1 / 2 hours...
First rise for 2 hours.....
Added flour mix on top of sponge and, rise for 4 hours...
 Mixed the sponge and covered and set aside...
Would I made this bread again yes.....


  1. Sis from the bread bible, looks nice and big , you did a great job and looks delicious ☺ 💚 💜 💛

    1. Thank you big sister, and yes it's from the bread bible, I'm so happy that it came out beautiful and big.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Susan, it’s absolutely beautiful and delicious. ..

  3. It looks gorgeous and delicious!

    1. Thank you so much Linda for your kind words. ...
