
peaches and cream affair

These are peaches and cream little cake,  specially made for a special occasion. I decided to make them and added peach liquor,  they are an affair to remember, after all they came out really amazingly delicious and absolutely wonderful!! (Made 24 peaches and cream)

                        Absolutely Delicious!!
They when in the food coloring and peach liquor and after sugar..
Filled them with cream flavored peaches liquor.
Cooled them and cut around the inside.
made the batter and with a round tip and plastic bag squeeze and  made the circles and baked in the oven.
peaches and cream affair never to forget.!!


9 Grains Blend W/ Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

This bread can be multigrain variations, can be used for anything that you like to eat with,  I decided to make it with 160 grams of 9 grains blend with the whole wheat and it came out pretty darn good.
From Peter Reinhart's  (Artisan breads every day) /page 83.....(Overnight rising )
                           Absolutely Beautiful
                           Amazing Delicious
                      Out of the oven and cooling
 Second rise and ready to bake
                         Cover and let it fully  rise
                       Put in two greased 9 by 5 pans
                      Shape and rolled
          Flattllened both to two 9 inch long
 Cut in half and let rest for 15 minutes
 First overnight rise and out of fridge and let sit for about 2 hours to take chill off 
 Put the dough in the cantainer and stright into the fridge for overnight rising.
        Kneaded for a while and extra flour
 Mixing all together in the stand mixer
Absolutely Delicious! 
After completing cooled you can cut the bread and put in plastic freezer bags.
By Peter Reinhart's 


Multi - Grain And Spelt / 100 % Sourdough

This a multi -Grain with sourdough starter, it is so delicious and chewy on the out side                                                      "Absolutely Delicious "  
 Just out of the oven and what a aroma. ...
Look at those clumbs! 😎 
Covered with plastic bags and let rise for 1 ½ hours..
Final shaping and and dust with flour. .
Shape a little/let rest for 15 minutes and covered. ...
All mixed and ready for 3 stretch and folds , every 30 minutes. ..for 1 1/2 hours. .
Added the salt and did the pics method /cover a let rest for 30 minutes. ...
 Mixed all the flours together and the lukewarm water and cover / let rest for 30 minutes. ..
 Have/sourdough starter /bottle water/salt ready.
Absolutely Beautiful! 


Bagels with Sourdough

These bagels are done with a starter (a biga) and are done in one day, they are delicious                                                                                      
                     Absolutely Delicious! 😉
                           Made 9 big bagels. . . . .
After  baking the bagels I mesured a bagel and the size was 4" 6/5 inches wide. ..
Just out of the oven. ....
Out of the hot water and drained and brush on egg yolk and sprinkled sesame seeds on top...
Shaped the in to bagels and gave them a second rise.
Ready for fist shaping and first rise 😎 
 Ready to cut them in pices.....
Mixing the sponge and final dough. .
Sponge is ready. ..
Mixing the sponge and let it rise for 4 to 6 hours. .
Thank you Ann for sharing the recipe.